July is just a bowl of cherries!

Where is everybody? I don't post very often, I know... but I do so little new that I hate to just repeat!
People are starting to rumble about Autumn, and I know I've decorated for Fall before this time a few years. You just can't predict me!
Last week was busy. We had a birthday party here for my cousin, my friends brought in a lasagna lunch to celebrate My 70th, and my Bible Study girls met to pack care bags for women in stressful situations! We call our group "Take Heart, Daughter."
My friend made delicious homemade pizza for that! 
I'm now on Season 17 of NCIS... I have lasted through so many cast changes! 
Today I'm setting up a new laptop and an Ecotank printer... if I can find a 3-prong adapter! Did I mention how old my house is?
Take care, my friends... I will leave you with some sauce and sassy recipes!
Cook these slowly until thick.
Have a good Summer!


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