Cottage Charm Giveaway!

Give me a day to get my stuff grouped... but I want to participate in the Cottage Charm Giveaway... I'm sure it will be fun and charm-y.... I have to thnk a bit, go to my shop, and take a picture. If you wish to participate in the drawing, just leave a post on this or any blog from today on to the 31st of May... If you leave a message on more than one entry, you'll be entered more than per post..... Have a beautiful weekend.... sunshine and warm breezes... Can it get any prettier?

UPDATE-- Monday, May 20th
Well, boo to me.. I haven't taken that shot of the prizes yet, so I'll just list them without the photo for now and get the ball rolling. 1. A Scrumptious candle from Shady Peanut Lane,probably in a Vanilla Bun scent... It looks like a giant cinnamon roll, and it's a Muffin Gem... you will love it... Next, a tin of tea from "My Cup of Tea" which is a shop next door... Not sure which flavor, but you will love the little tagalong tin of silk tea bags, too... Next a few notes and some little candles and bath baubles, a vintagey tea towel with a big yellow tulip and rickrack.... and a few odds and ends to round out the prize... A Perfect Potful pack of gourmet coffee..... It will be fun to win... and even "funner" to take a picture of when I get to the shop go buy the tea and get the candle..... I can't believe how hectic the end of school always is... Book orders, grades, inventory, cleaning and stashing of the room... (a crazy lady does that every year, and then in August I wonder who she was... but I know it is the same woman who used to stash my holiday stuff.) Then today I'm actually done with all that but required to be here in my little bare kinda scary room until the picnic at 1:30 at the Coach's house... My dish for the picnic is rather cute... I bought fruit, made a cranberry/pecan fruit dip, and then have little Teddy Grahams... I took gummy lifesavers and made little swimmers out of the Teddy Grahams... so cute. I have my camera but not my cord, but I'll try to include a picture of that later, too.... My room is a mess; my life isn't the best right now; and I just had the most inordinately joyful nirvana experience stuffing those little bears down into those gummy lifesavers... Hmmm.... that is rather scary, don't you think?


Whooohoooo.... I am the first to enter your give away!

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Hugz, Dolly
maggie said…
Me, too! Please count me in. Thanks.
cindi said…
Me! Me! Me! I need to WIN!
Sounds like fun! Thanks for counting me in!
Tyler said…
Ooh you know how much I love free stuff.. Will it be bigger than a breadbox? :)
maggie said…
This sounds like such a fun giveaway! Being retired teacher, I remember the hectic pace at year end. But there's that long beautiful summer to look forward to. Your treats will be yummy.
I really really need to see those Teddy Grahms in their life savers!! How cute!!

And your giveaway sounds wonderful.
CIELO said…
Enter me pretty please! :)

Cynthia said…
Please add my name to the hat! Thanks!
Sue Cahill said…
Your giveaway sounds absolutely yummy, please enter me. I'll be back to check out the photo so I can drool some more!
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Anonymous said…
I can't wait until the end of the school year, 2 more weeks here. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Anonymous said…
Please add me to your giveaway. You have a lovely blog. xoxo
Kristi Price said…
Count me in and thanks so much for your giveaway! Have a nice day!
Rhondi said…
Please add my name to the list.Rhondi
KimmyJ said…
Count me in too! Thanks!
goalmom said…
The candle sounds wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway!

It sounds like a fantastic giveaway! Please include me! Thanks!
It all sounds wonderful! I love candles and I love tea - maybe this is the giveaway for me!

Thanks for entering me in your give away....Mary
I am so anxious to see those Teddy Grahams in the Life savers.
Please also enter me in your drawing...I just found your blog. I will be back!
Anonymous said…
Count me in

Bethany E. said…
Your giveaway sounds lovely...can't wait to see the pic!!
Anonymous said…
This sounds like so much fun. Please count me in!!!
Joanne Kennedy said…
Count me in! All the things in your give away sound so wonderful.

If you have not yet stopped by my blog please do so, I'm having two give aways. You can enter one or both if you like.

Anonymous said…
This is so fun as I am finding all kinds of 'new to me' blogs. Please enter me in your drawing.
Debbie from
Anonymous said…
I would love to win your sweet giveaway. Please enter my name.

Bunny B said…
How lovely! I'd love to win :) Thanks for the chance!

bunnybox9 at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
Hi Gayla!

Even without the photos, your Giveaway sounds wonderful! Please include me!

I teach but in a Performing Arts studio. At this point, we are getting ready for our major shows, so I won't be in a stashing mode for awhile. About mid-July maybe...

I always like to say, "It came to pass, it didn't come to stay."

Best Blessings, KJ
Michele said…
I was a teacher, too until an accident at school left me 100% permanently disabled. :-(
I miss it dearly!!

Anyway, your giveaway sounds wonderful!! I'd love to participate!

Yelowflower said…
Thank you SO much for your generosity ! I don't even know what they look like but I love your gifts and really hope I win.
G said…
Sounds wonderful! Please add my name!
Lisa said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said…
Everything you are offering sounds wonderful! Please enter me in your drawing. I'm enjoying reading through your blog.
A Lovely Thing said…
Sounds lovely. Can't wait to see a picture! Please enter me ... and come by to enter mine if you haven't already!
tjmetz said…
Your descriptions of the prizes sound lovely, can't wait to see the picture! I'd love to be entered =)

Mahala said…
Please enter me!
katylinvw said…
count me in! everything sounds wonderful!
Julie said…
Please enter my name too! Thank you.
Marilyn said…
It sounds like an absolutely lovely giveaway! Please enter my name for a chance. Thanks for offering it.
The teddy grahams and lifesavers sound adorable--aren't you clever!
trish said…
*raising hand politely until called upon* I would like to enter too, please. Thank you!
Betty said…
I love the "potluck" giveaway! I'm a 2nd grade teacher feeling the same way for the 28th year!! Thanks for the chance!
Cami said…
Sounds divine! I'm in the midst of photographing my own giveaway. Maybe a good description would work until the light is right!!!
Anonymous said…
Please incluse me in your giveaway! Even without the photo, the idea of a cinnamon bun anything is AMAZING! Thanks!
Dragonlady said…
Enter me please, soundslike a lot of great prizes..
Rhonda said…
what a sweet giveaway hostess you are! of course I want to enter and thanks!
What wonderful gifts - and even a cup of tea! (I love all teas but isn't chai just scrumptious?) You are a wonderful hostess - thank you.
Please enter me in your give away. The items sound lovely.

Irma :)
Hi Gayla,
you can count me in.
happy happies to you.
Diane Mars said…
sounds fun can't wait count me in
Hugs, Diane
Jennifer said…
sounds like you have lots of wonderfully yummy things you are giving away, picture or not. thanks for entering me!

Kaylyn said…
sounds wonderful!! Pick me please! :)
tami said…
Please enter my name,thanks.
Unknown said…
Even without a photo, I'm all over a prize that include yummy drinks and scents! Please include me in your drawing! I just posted mine today.
Theresa N. said…
Great giveaway I'd love to win this.
Theresa N
Terry said…
Thanks so much for offering such wonderful prizes! Please add my name to your drawing! :0)
Hugs, Terry
windycindy said…
Good Afternoon! You ladies all have delightful sites and are having a super contest! Please enter me in your giveaway drawing. I appreciate
it! Many thanks,Cindi
kate blue said…
awesome anytime somementions tea and candles-count me in!

Anonymous said…
Please enter me in your giveaway! Thank you :) Sharon D.
Thelma said…
Please don't leave me out sounds like alot of fun sign me up and thanks so much
Tina Leavy said…
I'd love to enter your give away Gayla.thanks for the opportunity. I hope you'll stop by my blog and say "howdy" too. Tina
Margo said…
Sounds like a wonderful giveaway! I've been having fun reading your blog. My little girls would LOVE the teddy bears and lifesavers. I'll have to make that treat for them this summer :-)
Annabelle said…
I would very much like to be a part of this giveaway. Sounds so interesting and delightful!Thanks for sharing.
A cinnamon bun candle..MMmmmm...please enter me into your giveaway!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely would love to win! Have a fantastic forever!!

Uniquely Yours said…
Sounds great! Count me in!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this chance to win your goodies!
littlethings1 said…
Thank you for stopping by at my blog !! All of your goodies look so wonderful !!
Herbgirl said…
Thanks for entering my giveaway and now I'm in yours too!
Anonymous said…
Awesome, Gayla! What darlin' items you have chosen to give! Love your stove in the background, too. Count me in!!! This is all so fun, isn't it?

Have a super day. :-)
Trudi said…
What a lovely assortment of goodies for your giveaway, I would love to be entered into it!
#1 I love the name of your blog and the lovely music!

#2 I love what you are giving away, a cute assortment of things!!
MimiG said…
Got my fingers crossed! Pick me, please!
Unknown said…
Please count me in too - thanks
Anonymous said…
Please put my name in the hat, I sure would love to win, and thank you for doing such a nice thing.
Barbara Watkins
Nancy said…
Looks like great stuff! Count me in and THANKS!
Jalal said…
I Love the lifesaver teddies! And what a fun giveaway...thanks for entering mine!
Donna said…
What a beautiful blog! Please add me to the giveaway of beautiful gifties! Thank you!
Decor To Adore said…
Such loveliness.

I can't wait to come back and peruse your blog at length.

Pop on by my blog as I am having a give away as well.
Julie L. Light said…
Fabulous goodies, please count me in!
Have a fabulous day!
Anonymous said…
Can I enter please.


Anonymous said…
What a wonderful giveaway! Everything looks yummy!
What a basket of fun!! Please count me in! Lori
Linda said…
Please enter me. Thanks
Thank you for the entry!
Rhondamum said…
Please add me in on your fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much!

Herbgirl said…
Count me in for your surprises! thanks, Mandy
mrsmorris said…
I would love to have this basket. Please count me in.

Thank you!

Sarah Taylor said…
Oh, I would love to see those teddy bears swimming! They sound adorable. This is a lovely, generous giveaway, I'd love to be included!
That's one fabulous prize and I'd love to be entered! Thanks! Angie
Toystory said…
Thank you...the prizes all look great.
Tonya said…
What a yummy package!

Thank you so much for hosting!

Jenna Z said…
Mmm, tea!! Love that in a prize pack!
Shelley said…
Charm is right! How darling. Thank yo so much.
Sounds like very charming prizes indeed!

Hope I'm not too late! Please enter me for your fabulous prizes!

Angelic Accents
I love your blog name :D :D Please enter my name in your drawing, what a lovely prize!!
Harbor Hon said…
Hi! Evidently my comment didn't show up last time. Please enter my name and thank you for hostessing this giveaway. xxoo
Hi Gayla! Please enter me in your giveaway ~ what a wonderful basket of treasures!!!! thank you, xxoo, Dawn
Linda said…
Lovely treasures ... please include me. Linda
Rose said…
What a lovely and generous giveaway! I'd love to participate.

adrienne said…
You sound like a wonderful busy lady! Did I miss the goodie boat? If so, I am swimming around like your teddy bears with a rather large gummy lifesaver around my waist! Have a great summer. Maybe you can relax a bit and enjoy your gift shop. adrienne
bs honey said…
Please don't let me be too late to comment. I love giveaways.
Thank you.

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