Thursday, July 13, 2023

Golden wishes

My friends celebrated a milestone anniversary this year... 50 years!  It's strange how young people are having Golden Wedding Anniversaries. Now.  When I was a child, only very old people did that! 
I really wanted to do something different because I try to take credit for this couple!  He was my life long friend; his mom and mine were best friends. She was and has long been one of my dearest friends.  It seemed like a great idea to introduce them at a church hayride in about 1970 or '71.
They have three children and ten grandchildren.  So.... this is my matchmaker success. 
One of my former students is an artist, and she's also the niece of this couple.  The anniversary pair recently built a beautiful lake house.  They are very spirit- filled... so I commissioned a painting from a photograph taken at their lake.  
Here you can see the stages of this process.  Lots of fun!  And I think they loved it! 
I invited them over about five minutes after I got my hands on it last Sunday afternoon.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How beautiful; she is so talented!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

That is perfectly lovely and what a beautiful gesture to have that painted for your friends. Congratulations to them on their marriage milestone. TG and I will be there in six years, Lord willing and the creek don't rise. And yes, when I was young, people married even twenty years seemed old to me! But aren't we all getting younger? That's my feeling, hahaa! xoxo

Miss Merry said...

They look much too young for a golden anniversary! What a lovely gift.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scenes and painting! And your porch is absolutely lovely!! I'm glad you could feel like a whole person this birthday, while remembering fond and comical birthday memories. Thank you for sharing, including the new recipes!
Best wishes,
Ellen in CA