Monday, January 4, 2021

The Fixers...

When I watch crime scenes on TV, the bad giys always call in "fixers" to straighten up the place and clean up messes. When they leave, the scene looks as if nothing ever happened. I attempted that today as I packed up Christmas from everywhere and cleaned up my bedroom. I put out the quilt from my son and enjoyed the entire day of going back to normal around here.

My son is making room for his new bed, and he moved out some more of Mom's dolls. Soon I hope to get them all relocated. but today... I helped pack up all, and I mean all of the Christmas and Holiday Barbies. When Covid finally wanders off, I will hire the Amish to help me set up all the things we've toted down to a fairly large family room. It is basically what my gramma called a "plunder room." I would auction or find loving homes for these because they are still perfect in the box (with what Ebay calls shelf wear). However, minimalism and all that seems to have drilled holes in the collectibles market. I let Miss 2003 stay out a bit... She is gorgeous! They all are! Just not what my young feller wants in his room.

So here and there are a few touches of wintry goodness.

My dear friend texted we would see the sun twice this week. Those are the two days I will probably find my mojo to dust!

Meanwhile, we do a lot of squirrel watching! Ours are fat and sassy!

Have a cozy week. Think I will get some sleep tonight possibly... 

Whimsy and Hugs!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your bedroom is so pretty, and the quilt is beautiful!

Miss Merry said...

Gosh, you were busy!!! Your house looks great. I collected the Christmas Barbies in Miniature from Hallmark so mine don't take up as much space. I stopped with 2000. Meanwhile, every scrap of my Christmas is still up . . . .

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awwww that sweet little squirrel! And your gorgeous antique BED and that QUILT! So beautiful. Our granddaughter, Dagny, got the holiday Barbie this year from someone. That doll is breathtaking. I wasn't into Barbie's as a kid but Dagny is all I should have been, plus her own zeal for them. She plays with them pretty much nonstop. xoxo