Saturday, January 9, 2021

Have a Lovely Weekend

I decided to reward/comfort myself with six roses from Aldi's... ($6). I remember the day my dad bought this Dr. Zhivago music box for my mom... It was about 1967, and we had just seen the movie at the theater. I was about 12 or 13 and did not follow the history, but I loved the snow, the eyes of Omar Shariff, and that music... Still sorting through the contents of my mother's room. Luckily my son brings it out to the kitchen... and of course, Miss Callie is so much help!  Weather hovering in the clouds between 18 and 32. Good time for cleaning and dreaming. 

Whimsy and Hugs!


Miss Merry said...

We had just had what was going to be my new utility room drywalled when my mother passed. I had packed over 50 white file boxes with items to "go through". I would pull out five boxes on a Saturday and pare it down to three. It took me many years to get it to a manageable level.

The memories made me cry, so much I could not part with. And treasures were hidden. In a box with piles of expired coupons and torn out recipes, I found a photo of my grandfather, aged one, in 1899. I never knew this existed. Every paper scrap had to be completely investigated.

You are doing a great job.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I imagine Callie is such a joy to have helping with a chore like this. The music box is just lovely! Wasn't Dr. Zhivago a wonderful movie?? I wish they would rerun it on T.V. this winter.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ah, that music and the eyes of Omar Sharif! It is a romantic feast, that movie. And Aldi has so many lovely surprises. I am about to embark on a cleaning and sorting mission, both upstairs and down, no closet or cupboard or cabinet spared, the likes of which the world has seldom seen. xoxo