Thursday, August 15, 2019

Little bit at a time...

Just thought I would share a little more of the season's nooks and crannies.

Not sure if the creamer is out in stores yet. I will have to check next week when I shop. I  usually buy too much and have it until Easter!

We have been tearing up the house looking for a title and the keys to a car my son wants to sell... It is really a bafflement, but the search has inspired me to clean out a lot of junk drawers...

When I was a little girl, these last of summer, darker evenings were spent with my dad hauling a couple pickup loads of small bales every night. He used to put the ole '47 Chevy pickup into "Granny-low" he called it. Then as the truck crawled across the fields, Daddy tossed 25-30 bales up into the small truck bed about 5 or 6 deep. My dad was so strong, and he loved haying like some people love boating on the lake. After I could sorta reach the brakes, I could steer. Until then he lashed the wheel with an old belt... I can hear that old motor and see the dusty motes crystallized in the slanting sun and mind's eye... When we finished right after sunset, he loved to hop on the running boards and either drive through the window or let me do my thing.

I am not quite done with the garland yet.

Enjoy the weekend. When I was a teacher, I usually cleaned house on Thursday nights so I could come home and start the weekend Friday.

Whimsy and Hugs!

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