Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Yep. Still Here!!

What can I say about this? Only that I had no idea what it meant to do 5 rooms at once, and no sane person would ever try it. Right now because the Engineer consultant got his truck stolen(!) we reversed the order of renovation. Over the weekend we put everything in three rooms but tonight one of those had to be emptied.  This photo was taken after a half hour on the first day...  I cannot bear to take a photo now.

It isn't the top layers but the whole enchilada...  We had to laugh, My dad had saved about 20 DISPOSABLE foil roasting pans...  Washed carefully....  plus at least 6 turkey roasters in varying sizes....  Our family has turkey a total of once a year! (Except in 2017 we had zero)... So technically we could throw away a pan every time we have turkey, and I would be about 91 years old before we ran out... 

I always secretly wanted to have everything out of the house and start fresh like <<Hoa*ders>>....
Be careful what you wish for, though to be clear I never though of this exact scenario. It is actually fun...  I leave you with a poem I learned in elementary school...  My dad did not like this poem...  It hurt his self image I think.

They said it couldn't be done.
With a smile I went right to it.
And that thing that couln't be done?
By God! I couldn't do it!

My helper.

Whimsy and Hugs!


Miss Merry said...

I am so impressed! I was wondering how the project was coming along. I am a fellow "bite off more than you can chew". For the past two weeks, I have had a double bed broken down in my dining room, where everyone enters the house. I am not sure why. I think the plan was to make more room for cleaning, but honestly, taking down the bed did not create more room and I still don't know where to start. I am on the edge of my chair. What did you do with the roasting pans? Because I would be on pinterest looking for things to do with them instead of say, calling a church that does a community Thanksgiving to see if they need them :)

Gayla said...

At this point and only because I have Been forced to actually see how much extra we have, it's all different to me. I'm ready to share, one of the first lessons my mother tried to teach me. We are selling at a local consignment auction.. most things are lumped together and sold as choice.... and often for 2 dollars.... it's not quite donating but... the auctioneer comes to get things... that's the key. Good luck. It's a journey.

Miss Merry said...

Actually I think there is a breed of folks who might even toss the pans or recycle them :)

Miss Merry said...

I think the resale shop idea is amazing! It is not the "profit" but allowing others to purchase what they can afford and giving them the opportunity to enjoy your bonus items. I really admire your efforts. I am feeling overwhelmed here. I can't wait to see the finished product. You go girl!