Here we are...

We came home last Tuesday! It has been a good week with lots of nice "We are home!" thoughts. A few changes have altered the dynamic of where we were before. Isn't it strange with sicknesses that we often think about our current situation as truly awful, then something new looms frightening and "other"...  and we long for that past time when it was "not as bad."

I have hired a nurse to care give every day Monday through Friday. So far I have also "care gived" during those hours, but I will loosen my reins after a bit and truly take a break! I hope so, anyway.
Everyone says I need to take some time for myself, but I am not in dire need physically...  just a lot frazzled and forlorn.

It is truly sad to lose a parent to mental decline. Mom comes and goes in that way, but she told me last night she was like the girl in the nursery rhyme: "When she was good, she was very very good, but when she was bad... SHE WAS HORRID."

 Whimsy and Hugs!


Kathy said…
I truly can identify with caring for a parent with mental decline.. my husband and myself cared for my dad...sadly he passed this past Feb at age 91.You are doing a wonderful job and the right thing by getting extra help.It sounds like you have a good support system going on.Your doing an A+ job!!
Heaven's Walk said…
Oh Gayla, I am so glad that you were able to hire a care giver for your mom. I know how stressful and tiring that job can be 24/7, and it IS important to take care of yourself too and find respite in some way. I will continue to pray for you both, and that your heart and soul will be rejuvenated by some time doing something fun and relaxing. Swipe on that Stress Away, breathe deeply, and find the calm...... :)

xoxo laurie
Becky K. said…
I'm sorry to hear that you have been at hospitals with your mom again....but glad that you are back home. It is soooo good that you are going to allow someone else to care give so you can be daughter again.
Praying for very good and meaningful times together in the lucid moments.

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