Sunday we celebrated our Thanksgiving with my son, a good friend of his, Mom, and a dear friend of mine. After two days of cooking and planning, it was just so much fun to laugh together, eat turkey and all the trimmings, and play Spinner. It was a perfect day.

And now we begin to decorate and wrap, savoring the agendas of the bright holiday... Yet...

One of my dear cousins lost her son this week. I cannot breathe when I think about it. Thanks for our dearest blessings often turns to clutching fear, doesn't it..?

I have been lost in the gateways of Youtube this month. So many videos... It's unimaginable. I've been watching videos and vlogs (video blogs) about journaling, planning, and living that best life we think we can maneuver... I kind of realize those are hours I can't get back, but I watch late at night so technically I wouldn't be working anyway.

Ugh. Dentist tomorrow. Boy Howdy, I hate to go, but I lost a filling.

Have a lovely Gratitude Day...  I'll probably pop in again this week.


Miss Merry said…
What a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration! Although I am not sure I could put food on top of those gorgeous plates. What a lovely table!

It is pretty easy to get lost in those youtube videos, isn't it - too many more suggestions in the side bar and the time flies by.

My sympathies to your cousin on the loss of her son. Our children (no matter what age) are so precious to us. It is an immeasurable loss.
Yes, a lovely Thanksgiving celebration and beautiful table!
My condolences to your cousin; the pain is unimaginable.
I said a prayer for your trip to the pain and back to normal...quickly!
NanaDiana said…
Great celebration and your table looks just lovely. Good luck at the dentist. That is always a thrill a minute! Hope you have a great rest of the week. xo Diana

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