Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Prayer at Twilight

*Obviously I took these shots and wrote this post a few days ago...  Because now we have nearly 10" or more snow....  Still beautiful in the twilight... A bit more cranky in praise of nature...  

End of day, the absolute glory of Heaven's palette, especially with earthen silhouettes against these vagabond colors...  I pull over my car to drink it all in...

Sometimes in late evening or early morning the day's radiance glows, .....reflected in our own front door. Why we look much farther is the mystery.

If you want to meet the meaning of life........ twilight brings the creator right here, standing in rosy light as a part of the grand silhouette. Breathing in gratitude. Truly holy light.


Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

I love, love, love Twilight.........

Thank you for your capturing photos........

Unknown said...

I love all these shots and yes the twilight is something that filling our hearts with peace...