Monday, May 20, 2013


Morning has broken; time for ...anything in the world I choose.  Mom and I drove through industrious Amish land Saturday on our way home from our favorite restaurant.  Exhilarated young, young men (boys, really), lying flat back against the reins of six draft horses pulling equipment to plant their fields.  Women with their little ones flying down the open roads, hair flying, in milk carts.

Today after a trip to town on errands I tackle the cavernous clothes closet in my bedroom.  Why wait for the big jobs to scream my name?  I hear their whimpers from the stacks of unloved, never-worn-lately sweaters.

We had a little breakfast of eggs, oranges, and hash browns...  I simmered a little soup for later, and we are keeping an eye to the impending storms.  Such violent weather everywhere in the Midwest last night.  My heart goes out to everyone in harm's way.

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