Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ya say it's your birthday? Well, it's my birthday, too!

Birthdays are lovely little jewels! Mom and I are birthday twins, and we have been blessed all week with sweet celebrations from family and friends. My dear friend brought her mom over and she brought delicious fondue! I didn't get a picture, but it was so yummy... We had little squares of angel food cake, strawberries, banana, Oreos... And the best-peanut butter- chocolate sauce.... Her birthday was that day, too.... So fun to celebrate together. It is nice for friends to get together... Time moves so fast, and we must do the beautiful things for ourselves! This was a treasured visit... Her mom and mine are such good friends, too.

 Then a fun pizza and spinner party with my son.... Not really for our birthdays... Just our usual Tuesday Time.... Then my cousins and family came down for breakfast. We had so much fun! Delicious fruit salad and muffins.... Deli tray.... Snacks....

 (These pictures have a golden tone to them....)  They came on the actual birthday.... That night was yet another party with my son.... We opened gifts, visited... Had Chinese takeout! Good time.... And finally today was the final party. We ate out with two more friends, went through Amish country and got produce, had birthday brownies and Sunrise punch from Pioneer Woman..... Yummy! I made that in my new blender... Sounds like we just ate all week, huh? I always make birthday resolutions! Guess what one of them is! Ha ha....

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