Friday, August 5, 2011

In the interest of full disclosure...

Well, by the comments my sweet friends in blogland left on my last post, I realized I was a BIT ambiguous in my last comments on the fate of Shady Peanut Lane.  I rode high on your sweet affirmations of my "new" shop, but actually...  it's a dream.  The barn is simply adorable on the outside, and if I were more energetic, I'd run out there and take a panoramic shot of the innards..  It's just horrible.  Boxes of my stuff, Mom's castoffs, my son's extra things, a couple of partial and complete vehicles...  broken and wonderful tools of Daddy's....  his insulators....  a phone booth, but no superman....

Actually, my spirit is the problem!  I crave to be Vianne....  of Chocolat fame....  I don't even care about the Johnny Depp part.  I just love her vivacious spirit, her wisdom with her comments, the energy and elan of that little shop....  I want that.  I want to come into something that's all dirty and unloved and turn it into a shop of magical, soothing elixirs....  or bits of "ephemera" that speak to the soul---  I want that.

Just a glimmer of a fastly fading dream!  Last night the young man who has lived with us for years told me he'd love to build that shop from lumber he's reclaiming from some property he's clearing...  I gave him a little kiss on the cheek because he brought it up out of the blue, and I thought it was a really appropriate time...  Today I handed over the keys to the Bevier shop to a friend who'll make her new business there... 

Me?  I'm nesting...  or roosting...  or wallering!  Whichever term is most appropriate for simply doing rather little and feeling very tired, body and soul...

Energy?  Find me now...  Haha...  Seriously, I have a plan of action...  For all the 50 or so boxes of stuff I loaded up, I'm going to have my family bring in two or three each time they come over, and I'm going to ruthlessly sort and pitch and store in huge totes...  Labeled totes...  I am a packrat of the worst garden variety...  and I'm kinda artsy, kinda handy...  kinda lazy....  and kinda tired!  But I know goodies when I see them, and I just hate to pitch goodies...

Today is a cloudy day, so "bring on the rain!"  We need a little shower on our parched, thirsty crops...  Have a terrific weekend.


Ricki Treleaven said...

You could have a shop like Chocolat!!!! You can do it!!!

Linda said...

Love your photographs, love your blog, blessings from Australia. When I imagine the heat of summer there, I am so glad that after a long drought of many years and so much heat we are in the middle of a long cold winter, with rain and puddles and mud! Keep blogging you are giving others so much.