Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do ya get my drift?

Well, the weather today is cold, cold and clear...  My son's 4-wheel drive is plumb stuck in his driveway...  I know I have no hope on mine...  The guys that do the blading (a dear cousin and a dear neighbor) are both swamped and frozen and stuck and blading for all they are worth...)  The cows won't walk through these drifts, so farmers are hand-digging paths through five foot fields to get them to the water... 

But Mom and I are warm and cozy...  I don't know if there will be school tomorrow or not.  Many have already called off, but ours had a reputation of going when the others don't...  (I dunno why.)  But I won't be making it in...  Minus 25 wind chills tomorrow morning...  I'm pretty sure I'm staying in...  This is a taste of what retirement might be like..

I am having no trouble with finding lovely pastimes and enjoying myself...  There is a dire need for Diet Coke in this house, and Mom is getting a bit cranky..  (shhh!  Don't tell her I said that!)....  She is feistier than I am and fights the inevitable...  Don Quixote and the windmills...  I mean, honestly....  what is there to do about this weather???  Just count our blessings that we are all okay, the electricity held...  that we are warm and inside.... 

I am no Pollyanna, and I get my share of grief from friends and family who think we should rage against the night...  I know...  I just can't...  or won't...  or don't...  Plus, it IS beautiful this morning...  purely pristine and untouched....  With all the manipulation and control and sometimes often wreckage that man does to nature...  it is kind of a triumph to see who is REALLY at the upper hand...  nature has a trump card every hand...  What majesty, power, and destruction is involved.... 

1 comment:

FourSistersInACottage said...

What a beautiful post.....I totally get your drift!!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters and stuck in the drifts in Iowa)