A dear, dear friend sent me this whole box of glitter. I am so thrilled and happy. I look at it every day and think of my wealth. I love glitter with all my heart. Having it just makes me happy!

If my world were only two drawers... I could definitely have something to show...

But, no... I really shouldn't have signed up for the list!

My closet space.... Oh, how I dream about something more organized and beyond beautiful...

The title of my post should be "Where I dream of creating..." Mom and I think and believe this little blue house will be a Santa House... Wouldn't that be darling?

I have a cricut... and I love it!

I hoard cool papers... That's my crime...

I knew I didn't travel when I bought this lovely red suitcase.. I filled it instead with scrapbooking booty that I lugged over here to Mom's.

I'd rather have markers and glue than caviar and wine any day!

Alas, I sleep, watch tv, entertain company, blog, and LIVE in one room... I also create there on occasion!!!
When I signed up for this I had envisioned I'd clean out my childhood playhouse and have an inspirational hangout... It hasn't happened.... YET. But I still dream!
My Desert Cottage
BTW~ I am having a giveaway to celebrate the 30 day anniversary of my blog... Yes, only 30 days! I would love it if you would come by and visit at http://scrappingwithsherry1.blogspot.com/ Hope to see you there~ Sherry
Fun to see all the crafting goodies you have in your stash. Glitter rocks! :D