I'm excited... The teacher becomes the student!

This morning I checked into the blogworld and saw that Tracey of "Notes on a Cottage Industry" had posted a Blisslist. I was gobsmacked. I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to do. Period. Travel? Kind of difficult. Shop? Nah. No room in the inn. I thought a bit and kind of whined a little whine to myself, sniveling about my lack of dreams. I began to rummage around blogland, and I remembered something I'd read on Karla's Cottage blog about gluebooks. I saw a class had started yesterday on Greenpaper, a beautiful--- breathtakingly beautiful--- blog. I decided to go for it, so I checked it out and there it was. I'm in! I'm in! A little trip to Paypal, and I'm already learning so much even from her introduction and first lesson. Stay tuned for anything I might create... The teacher becomes the student... After all, that's what made me choose this profession after all...
I am checking this out. I need some inspiring things right now.