Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm excited... The teacher becomes the student!

Okay. So I blame everybody for this. I have been stumping around here lately with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I have been worrying about anybody and everybody, fearing for every decision, every syptom, every decision. What's wrong with Mom? Is my son going to make the right choices? Can I change anything by worry? Should I retire? What's up with these knees and the weather? You know, the usual laundry list of woes that seem to plague a great deal of women in the sandwich generation. I heard that label once and think it applies to those of us who are dealing with eldercare and stuck in the middle... ??? If not, then it just sounds delicious and makes me kind of hungry for a panini. Whoo whoo!!

This morning I checked into the blogworld and saw that Tracey of "Notes on a Cottage Industry" had posted a Blisslist. I was gobsmacked. I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to do. Period. Travel? Kind of difficult. Shop? Nah. No room in the inn. I thought a bit and kind of whined a little whine to myself, sniveling about my lack of dreams. I began to rummage around blogland, and I remembered something I'd read on Karla's Cottage blog about gluebooks. I saw a class had started yesterday on Greenpaper, a beautiful--- breathtakingly beautiful--- blog. I decided to go for it, so I checked it out and there it was. I'm in! I'm in! A little trip to Paypal, and I'm already learning so much even from her introduction and first lesson. Stay tuned for anything I might create... The teacher becomes the student... After all, that's what made me choose this profession after all...


Maggey and Jim said...

I am checking this out. I need some inspiring things right now.

Lisa Pogue said...

Yay, I can't wait to see how you get inspired and what you create!!