You say it's your Birthday.....

Take a regular mix for any brownie you like. I add crushed pecans. Put it into the pan and spread it out as if you're ready to bake.
Mix in bowl: 1 pkg. cream cheese (melted on full power for 1 minute), 1/2 c. sugar, 1 egg. 1 t. vanilla. Beat until frothy and spoon over the top and swirl... Yummy!!! Bake it about 35 minutes.

Tonight, the winds are gently kissing the windows and the night is tense, cool, and full of nature's warnings. Coyotes are running, and the world is fresh with that tinge of winter chill in every night breeze. Tomorrow we'll get together for lunch and play some more Spinner... And then the weekend will be gone... Only two days next week before our Thanksgiving Holiday... And all the teachers (and students) are sooooooo grateful.... Goodnight!
Have a wonderful Sunday!