Sorta funny... sorta sad....
We had 34 trick or treaters!!! That's counting the adults, too... but there were 23 kids! I was so happy. I adore having trick or treaters!!! I had made the cutest little treat bags, and I meant to get a picture but they came really early!!!! and kept on coming until after dark... I love Halloween!! just simply love it!!!!

Haha.. These girls are sophomores at my school, and they were trying to look like "seniors." And not in a good way!!! They were cuties... They moved like I do!!! (Guess whether that's funny OR sad!?!?)
School was a zoo... a perfect zoo.. I couldn't believe how excited everyone was about Halloween... and yet I trudged on with things to keep everybody busy... (good for me, eh?)....
UNTIL.... our so-called Shop teacher (a man who is a legend in his own mind, might I interject)... decided to run a FIRE DRILL at 1:15. The elementary Halloween parties were just starting, cupcakes, monsters, Jedi knights, little faeries with enormous wings... all jostling through the halls to stand with "pretty ticked off" witch-dressed teachers and bewildered grannies and moms and a few very stressed-looking dads... There they stood in the middle of the street. For the few who were caught away from their rooms without their little green flags???? Uh.. I was told by the teachers they grabbed a kid in green and held that kid aloft to signal the all clear!!! I was mumbling that "there better be a real fire and I better see some smoke." He kept saying "You never know when a real fire will hit" and grinning like a goober.. I know that is true, but since it didn't, do you think you might not be so inconsiderate of all the pirates and eyeball cupcakes and all? I first said we should wait until he got really busy and then call another one; then I realized that he's one of those guys who is never all that busy... ya know? Grrrrrr... and so cocky....
We all were laughing because that's what teachers do... but we were ticked.
Happy All Saint's Day... Fall back on your clocks!!!!