Freeze Out...


The Golf Course Tree (above)
Columbia (above)
We had frost and freezing temps this weekend.... following some really rainy mornings.... I just love this kind of weather... I know. I get a lot of flack for that! Here are a couple of shots of my morning drive and the trees along the way... The big one is at the golf course, and we all claim it as the most beautiful tree ever in the fall. It used to be perfectly symmetrical, but the ice storm in '02 did some damage to it...
I'm getting ready to snuggle in and watch some telly... Wonder how many will make it to school tomorrow? Our girls won District Softball Champs today... Yahoo! Go Wildcats!


Becky K. said…
This weather has that hot humid summer stuff beat...hands down!

Hope your students are healthy and happy this week.

Dena said…
We are still having rather warm weather here in Southern CA...enjoy those cool temps for me!


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