Check this out! The A.B. Chance company made Anchors for building.

The Chance Mansion

Their rose garden... Since it was mid-day, I think most of the roses were sleeping... Maybe it's too early in Missouri for full-out roses??? I've seen it more abloom...

But really pretty anyway...

Got my little lily fix, as well... I'm digging lilies this year.

The song of the birds.... or one bird, at least...

An inviting arch and path....

Through the gated entryway to an inside garden....

On a cooler day we might have taken these walks.. Today was 108 degrees heat index and over 100 degrees actually. Blissfully, I was not all that hot. Go figure!

This building used to be owned by the Historical Society in Centralia, MO. I attended Quilt and Salad Luncheons there as a little girl with my mother and grandmother. The A.B. Chance company made Anchors for building.. I think...
All the best,