Ahhh... So today my mom needed a ride to the hairdresser for a perm. I don't do perms. My hair isn't what I want it to be, but my hair is awful permed... so I don't. However, today seemed the day to go have a pedicure (with a chair that gave a WONDERFUL massage)

A manicure... this time with my own nails, thank you very much. I was a poor candidate for solar nails, even though I loved them when I had them before. I just don't take care of them in time, and they ridge at the back.

I chose "melted in the sun" as my color.... kind of a nudey, pinky, coral WITH SPARKLES. I know perhaps people over 40 shouldn't wear sparkles, but I love glitter. Not too long ago I put on my sparkly skin smoother and headed out to an outdoor concert. A woman about my age who has NEVER been accused of sparkling after 40 reached out to me at the park. She duked my head over like she would have her own sons and positively "hollered".... "Oh my gosh. you have got somethin' SMEARED (accent on the word smeared) all over your neck that has glitter in it." I stammered apologetically that it was my makeup... "Huh?" she looked at me as if I had two heads.... She is happily married, a wonderful woman, and quite happy... and she therefore had proof that I'm nutty... Yep. "melted in the sun."
I think there are very, very few who have quality childhood sweethearts. I never really had one, but I can't imagine life with one really.
Did I see you coming out of Tina's this morning? I was headed downtown to get my back popped and I think you may have even pulled in beside us as we were pulling out. I said, that looks like Savannah!!
Your polish color looks like one I recently bought on clearance at Sally's. It is OPI and it has a metallic sheen, it looks pretty good on toes!
Enjoy your sparkly nails!
All the best,