Did you get your post card? It came in the mail today. Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion's January issue is its last. I feel kind of like I've been left at the altar or something. I checked out the website and saw that in October of '08 they were asking for a new publisher for the magazine. Evidently nothing worked out. Times are hard, I guess. The rest of my subscription is to be filled with Martha Stewart Living. I like Martha, but that isn't the same at all. Mom's Country Home subscription was just replaced by Traditional Home. Goodness... not the same at all. I don't really like the switch thing without asking, "Do you want your money back?" I suppose that's the way things go, but really... What would my kids think if they walked in to find some rapper was now their teacher? haha.. Wait, don't answer that one... I don't want to know!
P.S. Where is the snow they've been blasting about? It's 2:32 a.m., and I'm thinking it's not coming. No snow day for the weary tomorrow.. haha.. Did you ever meet a bigger "kid"?