Saturday, November 22, 2008

Coming soon.....a sight for sore eyes...

Well, in only ten days I will be having surgery to correct my eyes! It will be a form of cataract surgery, and they will replace the lenses I was born with... I'll be getting ones geared up to make me see without glasses! Can you believe it? I've worn glasses since I was six years old. I have been having severe and disturbing vision problems with multiple vision and halos and generally miserable ocular health. I'm excited....


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I will pray for you through this time. have a Great Thanksgiving..m.

Lisa Pogue said...

Wow I am SOOOO excited for you. Are you going to Columbia to get it done? Oh I would love to do this, you've needed to do this a long time ago huh? Good for you, what a great Christmas present to yourself!!!

Cindy said...

Wow, you have beautiful blue eyes! Since my eyes are boring brown I've always wished mine were blue or green! How wonderful it will be for you to see without glasses and show off those blue eyes!

I came by to say thanks for your kind words on the lookiloo site! I really appreciate that!

Lisa Pogue said...

Okay future I'm going to see better than any of my friends, friend, I tagged you. It's about books, should be fun. I'm intested to see what you say.

Becky K. said...

Good for you! I'll keep you in my prayers.
Becky K.