It's all about the door... Goodbye, Autumn leaves and little witch boots. (About time, huh?).... Hello, Gingerbread wreath and the first signs of Christmas... I see that nature echoed my small endeavors in a big way... We have been blessed with our first heavy, wet, tracking snow... According to my gramma, we'll have 29 more snowfalls... Hallelujah... I was fearing it would fall on the 1st with only one more to go... (Actuallyl, this is one superstition we've disproved many years, but I still enjoy it... especially if the first one hits on a number like this... It's fun to anticipate...

Happy Snow! I am one of those... eternally the snow person... If the first snow comes while we're at school, I hand out jolly rancher suckers... or something equally happy.... This year, it arrived in the evening after a lovely afternoon at a friend's home. We're having leftovers for lunch tomorrow, so not much to do except put out an all points bulletin for my two new packages of pantihose, which have gone missing... I kind of need hose this week, so I'm in an uproar to match the room... If I find them and get any more decorations done, I'll let you know... For now, it's the wreath! Hugs..