October's Bright Blue Weather
Welcome to our autumn kitchen, ready to entertain my cousin from California a couple of weekends ago. We now have matching angels, hers there in California with her and mine with me here. I so love fall!

My Cinderella sits patiently in her new "home" away from home. Purchased for me by my own request (begging?), Cinderella has been my companion for many years. I usually had a spot for her in the kitchen right by my stove... after all, she was into Cinders! Now she graces our autumn mantel. Her little foot has been broken... But she is still quite lovely. My mother's comment startled me... "She's sitting on the pumpkin that will be her coach... and those mice will be her horses..." I was shocked. Never had I looked at her as pre-enchanted evening. I always saw her as a dreamer, sitting there thinking about that wonderful night on the once ago chariot pumpkin, the little mice now tolerated because they had so carefully towed her to the ball. Perhaps that says something about a person. Am I thinking always that the good times have been in the past? I certainly don't know... But isn't she pretty?