Hey.... hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. Ours was busy, even though we didn't go anywhere or meet with anyone. My son decided to ensure we had a day of it! He came down early and took his granny on their traditional trip to buy TOO MANY lovely, lovely fireworks. They always have slinked off to get those like guilty partners in crime. Then he barbecued outdoors, while I fixed the rest of the supper. We used new plates Mom has received from a dear friend for her birthday. So cozy and rustic. I love them! After that we watched Spiderwick Chronicles on DVD until time for the fireworks. It is kind of cute, but something about it just made me do the "ugly cry" as Oprah calls it. I was kind of the only one who felt that way, which always makes ya feel stooopid... But something about the fairies and Aunt Lucinda and her dad... well, I was hootin' and snuffin. Finally it was dark and we visited the well-known spot for our own personal show blasted off by my son.... Bravo! Finally a little Chocolate peanut butter ice cream sealed the deal.
Well, that's the rundown. I looked over at my little mama about midnight with her little blanket tucked under her chin. She has a habit of narrating the fireworks... "Pretty! Blue! Green! Gold fountain! High! Loud!" It allows for a little snoozing if you're tired. I told her my son had worked so hard all day he might just take us to the Drive-Thru at Mickey D's next year and park our tails on a side road by the Fairgrounds park for the free ones... That will be fine. Have a great week.
Eeek... the bots are out in force. I had four comments in about sixty seconds from bots so I enabled comment moderation for a bit. Sorry!
Hope you are having a happy week,
xo Lidy