Panini Sunday

It's time to get Sunday dinner on the table... We're having a Panini Sunday. We have all kinds of vegetables, cheeses, luncheon meats, and snacks... Either my son or I will do the honors. He's bringing over his Panini Grill he got for his birthday last year. It makes perfect sandwiches every time. Add a few chips, some light green salad.... (and I think corn on the cob)... and we have a feast .... again! Where is my diet starting this week?
I just bought nyself a new desktop PC, and I love it. So far, I haven't located the USB slot for my camera... but I will... You should have caught me on Internet set-up night... It was a hoot... The little man from Lynxsus assist finally told me he didn't think I could have a signal with my modem unplugged... Well, duh... I guess I was getting pages on the laptop from the memory??? I dunno.... Anyway, I just excused myself from the call and quietly plugged it in... Voila! online immediately... The marvels of technology! haha..
Take care and have a good week.
I am sorry to hear about your friend. Way to many women lose their lives to breast cancer.
I hope all is well with you!