Say Good-bye to "Ought" Seven... and Hello to "Oh! Eight!"
1. Grow closer to God... It is so exciting to learn more and more about God's beautiful faithfulness to his children.
2. Enjoy and be prepared for the days ahead. That means to plan, Gayla. Yes, you... Stop this adrenaline-rush living that has been your motivation. Plan for upcoming holidays, dinner parties, weeks... plan.
3. Enjoy healthier foods. And exercise. or at least move a bit more, huh? Yes, again... you, Gayla. (Boy, my psyche is being punched in the ample tummy now!)
4. Let others be.... I mean it. Stop trying to micromanage and fix it. Pray for them, do for them in love, BUT stop the bossing! Wow... These may be too hard!
5. Enjoy the beautiful. That will be fun do to. My mother does't use her pretty things, but guess what? She may have to now. Who is going to use them and break them if we don't? haha.. It would be a shame to set out at auction a cup or punch bowl that had never been used by this family... what's the good of that?
6. Watch lovely and uplifting tv more. That means no to some of my old favorites. I'm not saying no CSI, but you know, cutting up a big bloated floating... you know... what good is that to my soul? And they blew it when Grissom and whats her name parted ways...
7. Look like you meant to... That includes some attention to detail, to nails, to runners in panti hose, to jewelry... to shoes.... yeah... The bag lady look should go.
8. Be open through the year to include at least one more new idea or resolution.... The proverbial last wish saved for more wishes kind of thing.
Happy New Year, Blog Land!
You made some great resolutions!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Hugs & love ~Mary~