The one thing we're supposed to learn...

I am working on this room I'm in. I love, love the walk in closet here... after the weekend of pulling out stuff, it's finally ready for walking in!! I have been re-thinking the room arrangement. That's what I do. I am the original move the furniture type of woman. We'll see. I won't bother anyone before the New Year. I am patient on things like that, but I usually insidiously get my way. That's how we win the war in my family.... lay siege to an idea and just dig in...
I am needing to get myself bumped up for the holidays and get the gifts purchased by both Mom and me into their little wrappings. I have such cool paper and pretty wide glitzy ribbon. A couple of years I watched Beauty and the Beast while I wrapped gifts, so the music from that always makes me think of holiday wrapping... This year I may watch Waitress. I bought it for myself.... ho ho ho...
You know what gets me going into the next day sometimes? The idea of trying very hard to live a beautiful life. I love that concept. I rely on authors I have and do love and their passions for living, for God, for truth, for authenticity... I am a Beth Moore, Paula Deen, Sarah Ban Breathnach, John O'Donohue, Suzanne Sommers, Lessons I learned in the Dark, sometimes Martha Stewart, Giada De Laurentis, Southern Hospitality type of woman.... I know, there are northerners, Italians, Englishwomen, and Irish men in that grouping... Who knows the common denominator among all those... I just enjoy them all... But as I was saying, I am trying to live a more beautiful life, including taking better care of myself, wearing better clothing, eating and drinking out of prettier cups and dishware.
Time to take a deep breath, wish for the magic, and wade into the middle of the mere... Enjoy your fortnight until Christmas 2007 is only a fond memory....
As for eating better - I have been asked how I stay thin...well I love to move first of all..but more than body is a gift from God...and well - I want to get as much mileage out of it as I can ...Don't want to pack it away in storage ...only to find out it is useless one day!
Enjoy your time off.