Morning Snowshine. . .

Today is the day I make any resolutions. I have a dear friend who has decided and decreed she will watch NO television all of 2008. I'm sure not going to do that. Of course, there's the diet thing. I so want a daily quiet time with God, but don't think a New Year's Resolution is the way to go on that. I don't want to just forget that idea of a clean slate and a fresh plan... I am waiting for inspiration. It may come in the form of a nap today since I saw the sun-- pink and rosy hued in the East--- before I slept, konked out in my new recliner... Now that... that isn't the "be good to me"-ish type of stuff this life should be made of... I was restless and kind of unhappy last night. I think it was an overdose of Eagles. My friend and I listened to their new 2 CD album, and it's good. It sounds like their earlier hits enough that it transported me back to the "days" when I was a young mother, bride... had what I thought was going to be my life.... I dunno. It made me sad and made me want to call someone up and sob... but thankfully, I did not. I trekked upstairs for an ugly mug of hot tea and unwrapped a few "my moment, my Doves" and the urge melted into a chocolate stupor... Aha... I keep coming back to that beautiful life thing. I may make that my New Year's Resolution.... to do my level best to surround myself and those I love with beauty as I see it.... Beauty of spirit first, then of attitude, and environment....???? Whatsoever is beautiful.... of good report, think on these things? Have a blessed Sunday.
I hope you have a Happy Happy New Years!!