Merry Merry Christmas to you, Dears. . .
To all my dear friends in Blogland, a very sweet, cozy, sacred and special Christmas. Tonight finds my section of Missouri engaged in a wild wind/snow storm. I sat here tonight with the wind whipping outside and the road closing slowly up... wishing my son would call when he got home... Funny guy, he sent me a text, on that tentative little vibe that texts can have.... in case I was sleeping... He didn't want to bother me!!! I called him right back. Oh, some day he'll understand. I was glad to know he was in, safe, and warm.
Mom's cozy little display lights up her traveler's window. Here we can sit and look at the passing motorists, sending prayers and special wishes to them for safe journey.
Her snow baby kingdom.... frolic, sparkle, and cheer in a corner of the living room.
We are ready for our close up, now!
We tried a new mantel this year, her Dickens Carolers, some greenery, and a vintage 78 album of Lionel Barrymore's A Christmas Carol. When I was little, we came home from the Church Christmas program and usually listened to parts of this. I can remember my dad was a little slightly underwhelmed!
Our centerpiece...
This beautiful Santa with the rustic cardinal cloak came today from a dear friend to my mother. The pretty poinsettia is a gift from a sweet niece.
I love this red barn tapestry runner on the dining room table. Luckily, it is mine!
Well, may the good Lord bless you all with love, luck, laughter, and friends. "Merry Merry Christmas to you, dears. Wishing you a lot of love and cheer. Hope we'll be together again next year. Merry merry Christmas to you, Dears...."
Merry Merry Christmas!
Hugs & love ~Mary~
I was in Macon over Christmas, deciding to take 5 over 129 in order to get to Marceline! I waved to you as I drove by!
My mother gave me the same christmas runner that is in your blog. Unfortunately, I had an animal in my garage that destroyed it. I'm taking a shot in the dark that you may be tired of it (since you blog is from a while ago) and are willing to sell it to me, or perhaps remember where you bought it.
Thanks and Merry Christmas