Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." Ah, this is Mr. C. R. Crow, and he perches here above my computer in fine, velvet black splendor. He's crowing because the Christmas extravaganza in my small town is O.V.E.R. We had it on Saturday, and I managed to get my shop finished, after all. Then we woke to icy roads and very little business. Around noon the ice melted, and more shoppers ventured forth. Didn't do a huge amount of business, but I did have a lovely day. My mother had baked a huge batch of chocolate chip pecan cookies, and I made pot after pot of flavored coffee. Had the holiday music gently playing, and it was a very sweet day with friends... and friends I'd never met. The life of a shopkeeper would be really fun, I think. In my imagination I can see a little shop filled with the perfect "look" stuff... Actually, I'll give credit to a shop in Moberly, MO. Randolph Mercantile is just about perfect. Mine needs some more tender loving care.

This towel was a gift from
Muffin Gems Candles. Isn't it adorable? Cathy knows I love crows, and she also has crows in her kitchen, so she sent this to me as a little pick me up. Now, isn't that something special when a business sends a small town customer a gift??? I was really appreciative of this... And wouldn't he be fun to make into a pillow? Right now, he's right here by the computer. When he arrived, he had been steeped in the most delicious vanilla coffee scent, and I can still enjoy that as I type. Monday is officially over. Yeah... Talk to you guys soon.
What? Crows for Christmas? Well, sure. These little guys are here with me and in fine form for the holidays.