Happy Mother's Day! It was a great day, despite the sad events of the previous nights. Thankfully, my very ill father has had some good days and is home doing really well for a while. My mom, on a walker, felt like having us over for lunch. It was a little KFC affair, but of course, she had to add some home made things like baked beans, crescent rolls, and strawberry shortcake. She gave us all gifts, and we exhanged little goodies and generally partied all day. My son did little chores, mowed their lawn, and had fun. My mom is quite a lady. She seems small, but she is one of those matriarch type women who is very strong willed and very much in control. I love this picture because although my mother would have fainted dead away to have me NAKED outdoors, she and I used to go out, lie on a blanket with our cat named Sally (my cat is again named that) and dream through a summer noon hour. Busy as we always were, she often found time to just have a good time with me. I suspect she had more fun when I was old enough to help her hang out laundry on a line in the summer sun or plunge with a long stick into the churning waters of our wringer washer to help the whites bob about in the Tide water a bit more. Wringer wash, wring, rinse once, wring again, rinse again, wring out one last time.... little flat boards of clothing so very compact and ready to be hung.... Really satisfying and fun for a young thing like me....