Well, no dog. My sweet daddy had a wonderful saying he used for times when something seemed within your grasp and then just as suddenly--- were gone. He used to laugh and say,
"ZIP, I caught a bumblebee. ZIP, I let him go again." Yeah. That's the saying all right. Lucky was a beautiful yellow lab, one year old. She was in my car for just a few moments and in the house a few less. She was normal, lovely-dispositioned (I mean the dog here)... but pretty big and very very strong. Young... She pulled me (and I'm a big old gal) up and down the steps by her leash. She was snoopy and golden eyed, and she scared my mother into a fit of bawling like I never saw out of her. She (Mom) used to be fearless. Boy, she isn't now. I had to leave with the dog while Mom was still sad... and I mean sad... Anyway, I gave the girl a little cash for all her trouble and took Lucky back home. Can anybody say "goldfish" ? or Beanie Baby perhaps? haha.. So, CasablancaLily, I get no doggie shower.... but thanks anyway... Stay tuned for more weekend attempts to put the FUN back into dysFUNctional.... haha..
I do hope the right smaller pooch comes into your lives.
Becky K.