Friday, March 22, 2024

A Day in the Spring

It appears that I'm on the prowl to clean up some stuff. My cousin advised me to have all the leaves removed around the house to help encourage my snakes to vamoose.
I have a guy that does all my yard work;  the ice and high winds had truly played splintery havoc... it was time. 
The main victim of my assault was the bottom half of an old cedar planted during a Summer in the latter 1950s by a clean-cut couple and their carefree daughter. Yup. That old tree came from our woods.  I clearly remember that weekend day... it was just wonderful.  All my days were simple and happy and full of promise. 
I have been brutal lately with memories that grip my heart strings... so the tree went. 
Admittedly,  I had remorse today because I began my morning as I  personified that old tree... and imagined its shock at discovering it had spent its last moments in Meadow Lane. I quite!got myself into a little bit of a mess  ..I had better watch out for tempests like that or I'll find myself playing too near the fires of weird fancy... As Cher famously advised: "Snap out of it!"
My groundhog (Excello Ethyleene) clearly sees her shadow and! We're having a cold snap!
Things look suddenly newer and cleaner.
I can see far into the fields.
So... progress, not perfection  
Wait until you see what has happened inside the house! 
Enjoy the Spring! 

1 comment:

Jenny the Pirate said...

Progress, not perfection ... now there is a great takeaway thought! Thanks for that. Yes sometimes you just have to bludgeon those memories, and the things that cause them. Happy springtime to you, Gayla. xoxo