sad news

Dear friends, my dear son passed away in his sleep this morning.  I don't know why I felt the need to post this,  but I could use your prayers if they will help.  I don't think anything will ever be ok again.  Thank you for all your kindness. 


JustGail said…
I'm so sorry about your son.
Miss Merry said…
Oh no, I am so sorry. I just can't imagine such a terrible thing. I am just devastated for you. Please know there are some of us here that have virtual shoulders to cry on and virtual ears to shout and scream. I am so, so sorry. This should not have happened.
Donna Murdock said…
This is the saddest news! We had a son pass almost six years ago so I can understand some of your devastation. You will always miss him but time will help. I am a very religious person so my strong testimony of the Savior and the Resurrection have been my polar stars. I worked very hard on my marriage after my son's passing because I knew I couldn't handle another loss. I stayed very busy doing lots of service, too. It took me many, many weeks before I could feel any joy at all. This year I find I can really truly laugh with true abandon again. This took over five years! So give yourself time. Grief has no timetable. Go to a grieving class if you need to. Be very kind to yourself! Love and prayers to you, dear Gail.
Terri said…
I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved son. Keeping you in my prayers.
Susie said…
Dear Gayle, I was so broken hearted for you after reading this post. I pray God will hold you and help you thru the tough times. Be brave in your faith. Sending hugs, xoxo, Susie
Jeanie said…
I am deeply sorry, Gayla. Broken hearted for you and sending all prayers for peace and healing.

When you are ready, please try to find the Compassionate Friends group in your area or one similar. That one is for those who have had a child die. Believe me, they are a blessing.
My deepest and sincere condolences. A Fan
racheld said…
Oh, My Dear!!! I'm so sorry this happened to you, and will carry you in my heart.
Oh Gayla! Oh Lord please be with my friend in this time of bereavement and need! God please help. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you today and I wish I had seen this earlier. Please let me know how you are doing. xoxo
Ellen said…
Dearest Gayla, I just saw this and am so saddened and sorry for this unbelieveable loss. Love and prayers to you.
racheld said…
You're still in my heart this cold morning, and I hope you're safe under a warm quilt for a while, just to regroup and rest. A cuddly kitty would be a bonus, as well.
Anonymous said…
I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved son. You and your family are all in my prayers. Its been a while since I viewed your blog and was shocked to see this posting. So very sad and I can't imagine the pain of your loss. In God's Hands I place you and your family to give you comfort...

Dawn Pinnataro Albany, GA
Miss Merry said…
You are in my thoughts daily. I am so sorry about your loss of your son, he sounded like a terrific young man and a wonderful son and soulmate. I hope you can eventually find comfort in your memories. I know your hurt and sadness are so raw. We are all here for you in our thoughts and prayers during this terrible time.
racheld said…
I don't know what the days are bringing in the way of answers or comfort or rest, but I do know that you have many, many faraway and close friends who are thinking of you in this time of your greatest trouble and need. Oh, Sweet Girl, if you could visualize all the warm hugs and tender thoughts and fervent prayers on your behalf out here in this friendship circle around you---lifting up and floating toward you now. I hope you know and realize how loved you are, and how many are holding you in our hearts. May even the thought of all these thoughts and prayers hold you in a warm embrace, and hold you up when you cannot stand on your own. Love and soft ganjin hugs. rachel

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