Saturday, September 16, 2023

Little by Little

Here we go again.  A month tiptoes in the front door, and then before I can brew a spot of tea to welcome it, the calendar declares the date is the 15th... and then... the tea is cold in the cup and it's over! Ah, well. At least I can say I'm ready for Autumn's first day, the 23rd. I just hope to find a real pumpkin to grace my table and the front porch.
My quest for something to soothe my searching spirit led me down a path last week.  I hired my floors mopped. It has been a journey of debate and internal argument because I come from stock that barely would hire an expert for rocket science or brain surgery... but I just wanted the feeling of clean floors all over PLUS not being totally wiped out.  
I actually had to mop a few myself to get that because I hired youth... she was absolutely beautiful... and sooo young. Very kind.  She did a good job although she didn't work very long.  Without being sparky, I will relate her parting words of wisdom:  "I hope you appreciate all this I did for you."  Oh, how my heart laughed while my face soberly promised that I did... appreciate a tidge more than one hour's mopping for $35. Then I thought of my dad who hauled hay in July for ten cents a day... he always added how much he appreciated the farmer who gave him the work.  
What a world!  I found all these pictures on Facebook here and there, so if you see something that's yours and you don't want me to share it, please let me know! I understand. 
This has been a fast weekend. I bought two pizzas and some wings from good old Pizza Hut. So no cooking until some time next week! There's something quite collegiate and decadent about strolling (in my case rolling) through the house with a couple slices of pizza on a paper plate. I do have some menus planned for September, but they shall have to wait!
Merry Autumn to you all. I suppose it's time for bed... or another couple episodes of Bluebloods. I have long been a fan of Selleck, but I never watched this.  I look for something for late at night after my son hits his room and I'm just not ready to begin the arm wrestling with unconsciousness... (Who knew a tired person would fight sleep like a banshee?) It's ok... I like some aspects of it,  but I'm not obsessed. Selleck is sweet.
Yes, to those of you who called out Boston Legal.  We're watching it again all the way through.  What a classic! Who hasn't found themselves mouthing off to a boss after a few episodes of empowerment by Denny Crane or Alan Shore! Lol... My son lost a little salary boost at his old workplace, and I recall a little set down in the hotseat at school... lol... coincidence? "Do.. do... doode dee do do doooo. Oh, yeaaahhhh."
Well, thank you for reading this and keeping me company! 


Ginny Hartzler said...

The first and the last! The first quote is amazing and I love it! And the last photo, so wonderful. Did you see the tiny kitty sitting at her feet? Well, actually, there is a basket of them! I pictured that this is you relaxing in the fall air while your floors are being mopped. Congrats for hiring someone! Sometimes we just have to do these things, and there is nothing wrong with that. We are giving someone a job! I agree that the time is speeding like a jet plane. and the older I get, the faster it goes.

Miss Merry said...

Love the pictures! I know - where the heck did September go?

I haven't hired help yet. But I have a list in my mind. I would like someone to come once a week and deep clean my bathroom, wash my kitchen floor and (today's addition) put the clean sheets back on the bed. But then I have to show someone the condition of the floors, etc. I'm not sure I'm there yet. And if I get a substandard job - well I can do that, LOL.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh yeah all those old shows ... I watch, on rotation, NYPD Blue (love David Caruso even though he had a bad rep for being a jerk in real life), The Practice, Ally McBeal, and of course BL. James SPADER!!!!! Ugh he's phenomenal. And ... Denny Crane. xoxo

Jenny the Pirate said...

OK I could have sworn I left a comment here this morning but I don't see it so maybe I did something wrong. What I said was that I love to watch all the old shows ... NYPD Blue (love David Caruso although I understand he was a jerk in real life, on set, because he thought TV was beneath him and he wanted off the show) ... The Practice, Ally McBeal, and of course BL ... James Spader a perennial favorite, and ... wait for it ... DENNY CRANE, hahaaha! Yes Tom Selleck is a sweetie and Blue Bloods a pretty good show. I came back not to recreate my whole comment but to say that I've been thinking all day about the young lady taking $35 from you for an hour of mopping and then saying that she hoped you appreciate all she did for you. The hubris of Gen Z is breathtaking. xoxo