Paging... Mr. Mojo. Mr. Mojo, would you please report to the front desk?
Whimsy and Hugs!
Do you ever lose that Mojo feeling? I have lost it in a weird way. I don't like anything I do after I've done it. So I re-do it. And... I don't like that either! lol... I did find this cubby and organized? a little in my Studio. I like that except I went for a rather cheap cubby thinking it would let in more light... and it's a bit flim flam... so I may walk into quite a mess one of these morning. I sure hope not. But I heartily recommend this system, and I had never had one before in my life...
We had a pretty big snow, and now the weather is hovering around zero or below at night and very little better during the day. I am just happy we are cozy and warm, and I feel for all those who are out in this. The Highway Department bladed the end of my driveway shut, but they came out and fixed it after three phone calls. I told the scheduler that I wouldn't think of pushing all my snow on their road! Our actual road was clean as a pin, but there was a three foot barricade that had frozen and thawed and refrozen... I also said we had some medication coming. She told me they wouldn't care... but evidently they did because they were here before 8 a.m. and it looks clean as a bean right now.
So.. I actually don't have any news. I am glad because pretty much all the news I hear from my friends is sad... or bad... or kinda gloomy and miserable. And that always makes me feel bad for them. My mother was such and trooper, and she really had a superior attitude all the time (almost). My dad? His was even better! lol... I try to channel them every day a little.
I made a few journals for my Facebook group as prizes for pre-Christmas posts. That was a lot of fun for me. They should be getting them any day now. The photos are either from a digital download or from their own childhood pics they posted on Facebook. My group is called Meadowlane Sampler if any of you want to join. We just post photos of our houses or whatever... sometimes it is busier than other times!
Well, I'm off to rearrange the furniture and maybe the whole house! lol... Probably won't accomplish that. I used to do that all the time, but it's a bit harder now with the new tenant... I so love my son working from home, and he works square in the middle of the house... And the cat? she helps him all day long. I think Little Caesar's should put her on the payroll...
Your journals, meanwhile, are really quite stunning. There's a lot of work in those and it shows! Very nice.