Thursday, November 4, 2021

November Nuance

Hello, there!  I guess everyone made the transition into this golden month of November! I have been packing away most of the fall and all of the Spooky decor. It seems I just can't bring myself to put away all the fall yet... and I also can't stand so much out.  You guys might have warned me if we could have sat and had coffee together.  I put this out mid or early August, huh?  And then there's the fact that I am decorating for two... only. lol (Who am I kidding:  One.)

Today a lovely friend stopped with a huge fall rose bouquet, some REAL Pumpkin Spice creamer (it is delicious!), some Italian cookies, and a ton of Pioneer Woman Autumn paper goods!  It was so sweet of her. Too chilly for her to tarry on my porch for a visit, but really a kind and thoughtful gesture.

I have plans for that apple cider!  Isn't this a pretty sight?  I love Beverage dispensers.  So far, not much need of one, but I have had a couple around here for a while. This one would be fun for water with fruit in it, too... 

Have you guys been prepping any for an if or when situation with the stores?  I am not getting political here, but just feel the indicators are out there we may have some items go missing for a while.  I am one of those types who prep in my mind but not in actuality, so I probably won't have much stockpiled in an emergency.  Last year I did happen to have a huge stash of toilet paper at just the right time. And this year I have bought all the sides that are stable for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  You might know I'd be ready to cook! 

I focus on the positive as much as possible. Would prefer we have some kind of backup heat source, but we really don't. I grew up with a fireplace, which is still here.  We need to get it checked out and probably reline the flue... And I've waited too long I think for this winter. Everything likes to cost a lot!  Right?  What do you all have?

So, here I sit with my phone by my side and a cuppa decaf with Pumpkin Creamer.  Not too shabby for a Thursday afternoon!

What's for supper?  I think we're having salads and chicken again.  That's a go-to with us.  However, my personal choice would be some fire roasted Hot Dogs and Sweet Potato fries. I am basically a 50's girl. My dad rigged up a hot dog cooker when I was little.  It set on a huge tripod, plugged in over the mantle, and rotated in the fire with prongs for six hot dogs...  I can still hear that motor whining and see his eyes shining.  He loved kinda techy things for his day. He called it the "Gayla Cooker."  I was little enough that I didn't mind one bit that my name was associated with some kind of fattening, unhealthy food!  lol...  

I made the journal as a birthday gift for the same friend who just brought me all these goodies.  And another dear one has given me this sign, which I LOVE!  (below)...  It will be going up soon, not to come down all year long...  The other three seasons will just have to suck it up! Ha ha! Take care and have a Lovely Sweet November...

Whimsy and Hugs!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your journal is gorgeous, and I love your table decorations! We have no alternate heat source either, not even a fireplace. I see you have the M&M's creamer, is is good? I have been tempted to buy it.

Gayla said...

Miss Merry has left a new comment on your post "November Nuance":

I have friends that are concerned about shortages, but honestly, I am not. I think people will panic buy for years and all you need to hear is "possible shortage" and the shoppers are going wild. I find if I wait a week, the item is back on the shelf.

My grandmother, who lived through the depression, always had a full pantry and utility closets. I think I will have a case of toilet paper and a shelf of soaps for the rest of my life.

When meat was hard to come by, we found a farmer (and six months later when our freezer came in) we got a 1/4 of beef. It has actually will last us 13 months, which is when we will pick up our new 1/4 at the butchers.

I started packing Halloween today. I am not one to Christmas decorate until after Thanksgiving (at least for the past sixty odd years) but this year I am going to decorate my bedroom like an inn on the Hallmark channel! And as soon as the room is clean, okay, it might end up being after Thanksgiving, I am going to start!

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Posted by Miss Merry to Oatmeal and Whimsy: a nest for the soul at Nov 4, 2021, 6:35 PM

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Gayla said...

I apologize to Miss Merry! I accidentally hit delete instead of publish on my phone... I hate having to moderate comments! So it wouldn't let me publish. I copy pasted it though...

Jenny the Pirate said...

A delightful post, as per usual! I too decorate for one, haaahaha! And love the apple cider in the beverage dispenser! Like you I have made more plans in my mind than in real life, but we did buy our great big Butterball turkey last week, in case there is a shortage! xoxo