Sunday, November 7, 2021

Falling Back...

I'm one of the few who like to admit we enjoy the whole spring ahead/fall back thing! I really like the falling back, but how could we have one without the other? So many things are like that.
I am sitting here in the light of my pink Autumn tree getting ready to watch some more midnight YouTube videos about papercraft, stitching, and lifestyle. I guiltily admit I have a mini pack of cookies and a cup of decaf coffee with M&M creamer.. It smells like a bag of candy and has a lovely hint of chocolate... yeah... not really on my diet, but today was one of those cranky days and I finally decided to just cave and spend my extra hour doing something fun! 
I used to do that! I can remember a few Autumn's ago I went on a midnight run to SuperWalmart... Now? Haven't been to Walmart since my cousin and I took my little Mama Christmas shopping in 2013...  we lost her zipping around in the aisles on her electric store cart ... and finally decided we spotted her when we saw a cart coming at us loaded so high we couldn't even see her head over her loot! She had so much fun... she made life fun... 
Well.... that's my goal. Make life fun. It has become even harder to find fun-loving people during these Covid years... I get it! Fear, loss, mistrust, did I say fear?, fretting, and just the general aging of my posse of friends--- all weigh heavily. I just won't find that carefree, healthy, light-hearted crew still buffered by another generation in front of them. Most of us ARE the senior generation or we are all too aware of the precipice looming in front of our parents. 
I'm not writing this as a Downer type of post... I mean, I have a cat asleep on my lap, a happy son with a pretty exciting movie evidently playing in his room, cross stitchers waiting to share their goodies, snacks,  a sweet and cozy home.... what more could I want?
I get to have my followup via phone with the cardiologist..I've had no more symptoms and things seem ok.... Then after that if all goes well, good Lord willing, and the creek don't rise, I'll not see anyone until I  repeat all the tests in December 2022... and so it goes... 

Falling back is fun, but Springing Forward promises new opportunity... I want to be up for that! I really need to Carpe the deium... and the night, do the Mary Engelbreit snap out of it routine, and flourish... 

Happy Daylight Savings Day Farewell!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad to hear all is well with you. Did you make these aborable little pastries? I am getting the creamer!

Miss Merry said...

I love the flavored creamers. I really feel like I am spoiling myself, they are so good! Aldi came through for fall with their pumpkin creamer and pumpkin whipped topping. I feel like a barrista!

Unknown said...

I hate the shorter days, but who doesn't I guess. But we make the most of it. It is a cozy time of year though isn't it? What a pretty tea kettle.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Gayla you speak my language! All except for coffee creamer, which I do not do. Strictly black! But NO GUILT for you, girlie! None! Do not accept guilt. Enjoy these small but significant pleasures guilt-free. The cat on the lap is one of the most precious things of all, save perhaps your son in the next room, happy. And your memories of your sweet mama at Walmart. I sense your gratitude for all you have, and that is a truly rare and wonderful quality. xoxo