Farewell, August...
September is knocking with its apples and spiderwebs hanging in the glowing, frosty dew... My son's 40th birthday is the 5th! W.O.W! How can I have a son older than I am? Ha ha!
I plan to try very hard to recreate something from Little Caesar's Menu. We don't have one near here, and he is a software developer for them. I found some copycat recipes for their marinara sauce, crazy bread, wings, and buttery garlic dipping sauce online, so... for his birthday it's "Pizzapizza!" I am not as excited about my gifts for him as I was last year... I hope he has a sweet day Sunday!
We dragged out the Autumn totes (four!) It really soothes my soul to decorate for this beautiful harvest season... I decided to just go ahead and put out Halloween early... it's just for him and me, so it can't be too spooky for us!
I don't really like the brushy look here, so I will probably move it tomorrow.
I have one more corner of the kitchen and my bedroom to finish. I've had some help this year... (not!) Although my son has offered twice to put up tall things! And then.... there's the 👸 queen! Lol... She is such a helper!
I'm with you - what is it about these kids older than we are????? Very sweet photo of you two.