Thursday, March 26, 2020

March Madness...

That's what this new world feels like--- madness. We are just fine although I can tell the pressure is bothering some of my friends very much. Some of them already struggled with huge issues so it was just the final straw to have some new boulders crash into their path.

I took a day off to recuperate from that inner ear thing many of us get... It feels as if somebody pulled the pin holding the tilt-a-whirl down... Ice water, Vicks Vaporub (my drug of choice, and my furry Sunbeam heating pad... a few cups of Earl Grey and of course, my hobby...

---a junk journal I ripped and inked... This was my first to try the ripped pages... Definitely grungy! Not for everyone! My son asked if I burned the edges. Nooooo waaaay. I recall so well one wintry morning when I was in eighth grade... I had labored over a map of the world, carefully drawn to scale and colored with markers. I had inked in the voyages of the Explorers in the New World... In my mind this thing looms a masterpiece, all done in those really stinky-make your head spin kind of  magic marker of the 60's. I decided to singe the edges on our gas stove while my eggs waited on my breakfast plate. Mom and Dad were smiling, and I was less than hours away from turning in my masterpiece to Mrs. Gracie Edwards, my rather eccentric, flimsy scarf-wearing, beehive-haired, social studies teacher.


Yep. Super-flammable! The whole project exploded into flames, and I threw it in the dishpan (or more likely my Smokey the Bear father did... I couldn't keep up!) And so, my grade on that project was a big fat zero. However, I did learn a valuable lesson!

I also did a bit of crochet... (good old Granny square... I love you sooooo!) Had I made a big pan of brownies, my retreat would've been monumental.... I settled for lighter fare--- a big grilled chicken salad ------and Nutella on a cracker--- (or two).

Miss Callie was mad with me this morning. I woke up feeling fine and headed off to putter... I forgot to share a bite of my cheese! End. of. the. world.

Tomorrow is Friday. My son's team supervisor (remote working in St. Louis) has tested positive for the virus, and we have cases in our local towns out here in the middle of nowhere. I can see the shut down has helped, but that fuels some to think the pandemic was nothing to begin with. I am not a "news" girl... it is really hard to find un-slanted info..  A good friend of mine told me one time if the news made me unhappy, just to wait a few days and the headlines would report the opposite! Kinda true...

Looking forward to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning... and a dose of whimsy... Take care.

Whimsy and Hugs!


Miss Merry said...

thanks for the kind words. Feeling better today. Love the top cartoon.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your journal is lovely!! And I do like the ripped edges, it adds to the old antiquey look. So your kitty loves cheese!