
Throughout the night hundreds of volunteers searched our small community for a dear friend, Janice. She has advanced Alzheimers and had wandered off from a car she was waiting in while her dear husband had gone in to get a Rx filled. 

He had been such a rock for many years of this disease, caring for her so sweetly..But this unthinkable event happened.  From 3:30 yesterday afternoon until 11:30 today the community searched all night, using all means known. Helicopters flew all night. Facebook was filed with reports, tears, and prayers. 

I literally cried almost all night. I felt so bad for her family.  I was hopeful, though.  In my psyche vision, I "had" her placed  in a building near the car. I thought she was in a target busy building ffiled with flowers because she loved to garden.

Praise God, they found her in an abandoned building three doors down from the pharmacy. They are guessing the door must have been unlocked and she locked it after herself. Janice was alive, alert, talking,  .... and she had been cleaning that building all night.

So glad for good news.  That sounds so much like her. What a beautiful community we have!


Miss Merry said…
I am a sucker for a happy ending! Everyone coming together restores faith in humanity. And I am sure that she had the time of her life during her adventure - cleaning the building! So cute!
NanaDiana said…
I am so glad she was found alive and well. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease...having dealt with it firsthand I understand what her hubby is going through- xo Diana
Heaven's Walk said…
Oh Gayla...what a scary and emotional evening you all must have had. Thank God that He was watching over her and keeping her safe from harm. Bless you all for being so caring!

xoxo laurie

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