Saturday, April 18, 2015


I lie here dying for ice water. If Mom called me for ice water, I'd spring up in a flash and voila! Tinkling sparkly agua. If my son called me for ice water, I'd pack up a thermos, emptying all my trays and drive up to his home here at three fifteen a.m. I thirst, and I blog about it, rather than walking (or rolling) into the kitchen. What is up with that? Indeed something to ponder.... Over of course, a magnificent goblet of ice water... With a juicy wedge of lemon..... Self care. Coming to my senses... Wait for it...

(Ugh... This table. That's probably why I avoided the kitchen.)

Now... A little visual magic... Time for sleep... With my "now 'n later" glasses of water.


1 comment:

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

I understand that "fight" between getting up and getting what we need. And simply staying warm in bed. ,-)

But I'm certainly glad you got up! Wouldn't want you to expire from dehydration, right in your abode. -giggggles-

So sorry you can't (or couldn't) comment in my blog, except with an old blog of yours. or maybe, that is over now...

wheeeeeeee.... 2 hour finale of Good Witch tonight. wheeeee....

"Siatica" Tessa