Popping in...

Hey there.. no news is good news they say.  Laundry, cooking, and regular  things going on. Have a nice Thursday.

P.S. no, That is not Even remotely my Laundry Room. ...isn't it sublime? 


NanaDiana said…
LOVE that laundry room!!!! xo Diana
bj said…
You won't believe this...
I have been working all morning long, trying to put some cuteness on the top of my kitchen cabinets. I have put and taken down every piece I can find (ashamed to say theres still boxes unpacked from our move yesterday...
Then, I came over to find out where that ADORABLE COMMENT you left me on my current post. It's gone..I was going to add it to my post...it was so so cute.PUT IT BACK...:) :)
Then when I saw your header, well,
DUH...I have a fabulous collection of Blue Windmill canisters...why in the h** I didn't think of them right off, I'll never know...
Excuse me now while I try my hand at decorating my cabinet tops...
bj said…
Errr...not our move "yesterday" but "last year"...I'm still sick and must be delirious....
first! if you don't want to do, any of the below, don't!!!!!! I am just so OC about blogs, that I will "burst" if I don't tell you, the following! >,-)

Hon, you have some blog-cleaning up to do. meaning...

that beautiful sun set/rise, which shows up over your pic, on your sidebar...

it covers the top of your post.

now for a while, it has done this, when I first come on here. but in a couple of seconds, it goes back to smaller size, and I can read your post.

hoooooooooo! it did go back to smaller size and now, I can read top of you post!!!! but mmmmm, it is taking a long time to do that, now.

I think...something is messed up.

you have a new background on. but an old one, shows up, for a second, before the Easter one settles in. have you getten rid of all your old Backgrounds???

I think your blog is trying to load too many things. some of them, being old things, which are still installed.

ok, I will not now explode, since I have told you. I can go away. and bother someone else. lol hugs

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