Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Medley....


Well, finally, the forces of nature aligned, and Mom and I went road tripping! We had the day to do something fun, so after our little "visit" with Ree Drummond, Pioneer Woman on the Food Channel, we were out in the cloudy May weather. First we visited the a Cemetery, stunning with fresh florals, white crosses, and proud flags. ...".


Overcast, but bright, patterns of wispy clouds created shadows and patterns on the highway to Sturgeon. Lunch at our favorite hangout, Crossroads.

Not as rosey-red as we love it, but... A spoonful of sugah will fix it.

Then, off! We had a mission today--- not just a drive, you see. We were after pie plant, better knownö as rhubarb. Mom (and I) dearly love this tart, pink, old-fashion delight. My grandmother raised huge beds of rhubarb, and remnants of these beds transplanted finally lost heart here a few tears ago with too much ice and sub-zero temps... and not enough attention, I suspect. We finally found it, along with some cold frame tomatoes and cucumber.


We visit one Amish home in particular. The sweet mother and usually a smiling, shy girl or two always come to the car and then bring us fresh vegetables from their garden and cold frame. She told my mother today about their winter, softly smiling the good news that another daughter had been born two days before Christmas. Four boys and now four girls... To a pretty woman who looks about 26... We were happy to hear her good news. Our lives have been often blest by our dear Amish friends.

Then, once home, I updated my Facebook profile pic to honor my favorite veteran, my Sweet Daddy!

So, the Memorial a day weekend began in a good way. My son is working with his adult computer programming students this weekend as they prepare for finals. But first they all attended the theater together to watch X-Men. How fun! I shot him a quick text: "Yer a fun teechur!"

Tonight I am headed to Bevier to have a fun visit and meal with friends at a new restaurant run by a former student and dear friends of mine, Coal Miner's Daughter... She named it for her a Daddy, a long-time coal miner... The old Midway restaurant became this neat catering house/café.

First look
Second look after a lot of love!
Currently. I love the little front porch she put on there!
Local coal mining history.
Following Inside shots ( photos by owner)
They have a tv for sporting events, wedding videos, etc.


Now I'm home... Ready to relax and enjoy the rain. Have a lovely weekend.




1 comment:

bj said...

awww...what a great post...I am so interested in the Amish..I would dearly love to visit their countryside.
Your daddy was sooo handsome. Is he still with you.?
So glad you had such a good time with your mom....I sure wish I could spend just 5 more minutes with mine. bwaaaa
She's been gone almost 30 years now.
Yes, one of my best friends from high school is the one that just passed away. I've had a sad day today...just thinking how much fun she and I had...young as we could be...looking for boys...I've been right on the verge of tears all day long. I didn't see her nearly often enuf...she lived in Dallas and me in Lubbock...wish I'd made the time to go see her more. I guess we all feel that way when we lose someone.
Better go eat an ice cream cone and feel better....:(
Thanks for coming by for a visit....
xo bj