Monday, September 23, 2013


All sorts of light illuminates the heart when it's open to new ideas, new dreams, different ways to inhabit this world.  Isn't it strange how we humans tend to struggle so.... 

  We are all headed somewhere...  And we rustle our lives and invite the turmoil inside the very hearts ordained for praise and worship...  This sunset, although rightly the most breathtakingly beautiful horizon right at our doorstep....  It isn't enough... 

 We charge out of our homes instead of cradling our souls in familiarity and melodies of our ordinary round...    Until....  There is a new beginning, a change in the daily round..  We then feel caught, furtive, looking back as Lot's wife... 

 Pillars of salt and tears clinging to a past better left as a memory, or as a dear friend told me today, a lesson...  

We turn our hearts to now, to our current moments.  Invite a friend, write a letter, watch a movie, oh, and always the best choice is to stay positive and talk to God...

1 comment:

Latane Barton said...

Beautiful, thought-provoking post.