Monday, July 29, 2013

Slow Rain

 Wish I could take credit for these awesome photos...  They are both taken by Ken Ralls of a cold air funnel located almost directly over our farm!  I would have been scared, but they are not dangerous.

Today was cold, dark, slight rain, just exactly perfect for a couple of steamy cups of coffee, almond joy creamer, and warm zucchini and tomato on bruschetta.  (I like to call it bruschetta, so don't remind me it was actually 45-calorie skinny bread!).

Mom and have settled in for an evening of American Pickers...  What a cool way to end a July's drizzly evening after rummaging for treasures in Mom's closet...


NanaDiana said...

Gayla-Those are amazing pictures! Wow- Don't know if I have ever seen cloud formations quite like that. You are right- they do look a bit scary- xo Diana

Latane Barton said...

Those are interesting funnels. I've never seen them... nor a tornado funnel either which suits me fine. Hugs, latane