Last night after my son got off the night shift, we sent pics of lolcats back and forth by text and texted funny things we remembered... It was a hoot! I don't know why we didn't just call, but even though texting is more for the young, I do enjoy the pace and economy of it.. I was remembering a terrible/awful story about one of my best friends and a dead rat! There are a lot of parts to the tale, and I'm betting zero of you, let alone me, want to see it in print... but my son did. Something about that story caused him to laugh, and he typed, "Bwa-Ha-Hahahaha." I could hear his big bold laugh with just the written word. And it made me happy.
Today I haven't worked much. Couldn't go in because of that drifted drive. We hired the "man" to come back... Work took a brief while, cost a lot, but helped us once again to think we could traverse the snows of Meadow Lane. Having a big bladed truck is a ble$$ing..... I did discover the cartoon maker on my smartphone.. Cool! Have fun if you can.
Today I haven't worked much. Couldn't go in because of that drifted drive. We hired the "man" to come back... Work took a brief while, cost a lot, but helped us once again to think we could traverse the snows of Meadow Lane. Having a big bladed truck is a ble$$ing..... I did discover the cartoon maker on my smartphone.. Cool! Have fun if you can.