Saturday, February 2, 2013

Something in the Air...

I have been right here, looking through the windows at the frozen yard, trying to lighten and brighten the house in every corner...  And failing...  Do you ever feel simply frozen in spirit and motion?  I do right now. I blame the weather, of course.  Icy, grey cold invading the corners of the house and my cozy room...  But you all know I love rain, snow, weathery wintriness... It's more than the thermometer.... I have encountered the "bug" that is sending my students home in droves...  I would like to sleep for a week!

I had a lovely collie, Laddie, who could smell rain, change, a new thing in the wind...  He stood at the end of our sidewalk at the picket fence gate (which he could slide open with his nose)...  And he raised his beautiful head and inhaled the difference...  Sometimes he would growl a little.  Often he wagged his plume of tail happily because he heard or smelled my dad's old, green pickup at least three miles from home.    He always looked over his shoulder at the house...  " Rain coming.  He's home now...  Or fire in the community...  Coyotes not far off."  I spoke fluent "old collie" then.  

I've sprinkled lavendar and bergamot around my bed...  The fireplace cheers the room, and a stack of unread books lingers there at the foot of the bed.  Mom and I are toasty here with Hallmark movies, simmering pots of soup, and lovely visits from my son, our family, and our friends...  I'm waiting winter out....  

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